
On 22 June 2020, the Company received the credit rating required to participate in the Growth Bond Programme (“NKP”) announced by the National Bank of Hungary.

To participate in the NKP, the bonds to be issued had to have a rating of at least B+ from a credit rating agency registered by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). The Company was rated by Scope Ratings GmbH, which resulted in a B+ rating for both the bonds to be issued and the Company, thus meeting the requirements of the NKP.

The credit rating report is available by clicking on the link below


On 29 September 2020, the Company held a successful bond auction for the FORRAS30/I (ISIN code HU0000359997) bonds. 

Details of the bond auctions are available by clicking on the link below


On 9 February 2021, Budapesti Értéktőzsde Zrt. approved the Information Document prepared for the registration of 424 dematerialised registered bonds in total issued by the Company with a nominal value of HUF 50,000,000.00 each and a total nominal value of HUF 21,200,000,000.00 in the XBond multilateral trading system operated by the Market Operator, in its Resolution No. 18/XBond/2021.

The Information Document is available by clicking on the link below

The Resolution is available by clicking on the link below


A The date of registration of the bond in the XBond multilateral trading system approved by Budapesti Értéktőzsde Zrt. in its Resolution No. 22/XBond/2021 is: 18 February 2021

First Trading Day of the bond: 18 February 2021

The Resolution of Budapesti Értéktőzsde Zrt. is available at the following link


Information related to the bond

Name of the Bond: Forrás NKP Bond 2030/I.

Issuer: FORRÁS nyRt.

Trader: Equilor Befektetési Zrt.

Registered seat:: 1026 Budapest, Pasaréti út 122-124.

Company registration number: 01-10-041431

Nature of the Issue:

Public offering under the MNB’s Growth Bond Programme falling under Article 1(4)(a) and (d) of the Prospectus Regulation, i.e. not subject to the obligation to publish a prospectus

Place of Issue: Hungary

Authorisation to Issue: Resolution of the Board of Directors No. 1/2020 (V.11.) of the Issuer

Total nominal value: The amount of the nominal value of the Bonds offered is HUF 21,200,000,000, i.e. twenty-one billion two hundred million Forint

Maturity: 10 years (from 1 October 2020 to 1 October 2030)

ISIN identifier: HU0000359997

Bond currency: Hungarian forint (HUF)

Nominal value per Bond: HUF 50,000,000, i.e. fifty million Forint

Number of bonds: 424

Type of Bonds: Registered bonds.

Form of the Bonds: Dematerialised Bonds or a deed summarising the terms and conditions of the Bonds pursuant to Article 7 of the Stock Exchange Act.

Central Securities Account Manager: KELER Központi Értéktár Zrt.

Registered seat: 1074 Budapest, Rákóczi út 70-72.

Series: The total amount of the Forrás NKP Bond 2030/I. Bonds are securities with identical rights and obligations, which form one series.

Auction date: 29 September 2020 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.

Issue date, Settlement Date (value date): 1 October 2020

Expiry date: 1 October 2030

Interest calculation start date: 1 October 2020

Interest method: Fixed interest rate

Interest rate: 3.25 % per annum