
Alkotmány Agro Zrt

Alkotmány Agro Zrt. was established in 2000 through the partial transformation of the Alkotmány Mezőgazdasági Termelőszövetkezet cooperative. In 2014, Stúdió-V Kft. acquired a majority share in the company. The main profile of the company is livestock farming and crop production.


Crop production

In the year 2022, the company submitted a Single area payment application for 1155 hectares. The company rents the land needed for farming from private individuals. Classic field crops such as winter wheat, winter barley, oilseed rape, sunflower and fodder corn are typically grown. In addition to the production of cash crops, the crop production sector also supplies the feed needs of animal husbandry. The crop structure and yields of the crop production sector have developed as follows over the last two years:

Animal husbandry

In order to increase the modernisation and efficiency of crop production, the company decided to expand and modernise its machinery park in 2021 and submitted an application for the VP2-4.1.8-21 call for proposals entitled Support for Precision Development related to the Digital Transition of Agriculture. The tender received a favourable assessment, based on the Supporter’s Certificate the total eligible cost is HUF 246,217,500, with a 50% aid intensity.

Development projects

Precision farming

A növénytermesztési tevékenység korszerűsítésének és hatékonyságának növelése jegyében a  társaság 2021-ben gépparkjának bővítése, illetve modernizálása mellett döntött és a Mezőgazdaság  digitális átállásához kapcsolódó precíziós fejlesztések támogatása című, VP2-4.1.8-21 kódszámú
felhívásra adott be pályázatot. A pályázat kedvező elbíráslásban részesült, a Támogatói okirat alapján
az elszámolható összköltség 246 217 500 Ft, 50%-os támogatás intenzitás mellett.

Machinery to be purchased under the project:

  • NEW Holland T7.315HD AC traktor
  • NEW Holland CX.8.90 SL combine harvester
  • Monosem SCD SCD 8

Planting of shell fruit

In 2020, the company decided to plant 33 hectares of walnut plantations in the spirit of diversifying the range of activities and also diversifying its sources of income. A double-row underground drip irrigation system was installed on the plantation. As they give higher yields and are quicker to come into production, French hybrid varieties have been used instead of the traditional Hungarian varieties. The plantation is expected to produce its first crop in 2026. On 30 June 2022, the company submitted a tender for the planting of an additional 22 hectares of irrigated walnut plantations. In case of a favourable evaluation, the total eligible cost of the application is HUF 151,508,161, the aid intensity is 50%. Similar to the existing plantation, according to the plans, hybrid varieties will be used here as well, and the plantation will become productive 6-8 years after planting.

Key financial indicators of the Company