Fűzvölgyi Agrár Termelő Zrt. was established in 2002 as the legal successor of the cooperative Egyetértés Mezőgazdasági Termelőszövetkezet. In 2014, Stúdió-V Kft. acquired a majority share in the company. Currently, the main profile of the company is field crop production and the provision of agricultural services.
In the year 2022, the company submitted a Single area payment application for 945 hectares. The company rents the land needed for farming from private individuals. Classic field crops such as winter wheat, winter barley, oilseed rape, sunflower and fodder corn are typically grown.
The crop structure and yields of the crop production sector have developed as follows over the last two years:
The company has its own drying plant, as well as a warehouse base capable of accommodating 10,100 tons and an extensive machinery park in Magyarszerdahely. Agricultural services is mainly engaged in the provision of related services to partner companies and, subject to available capacity, to external agricultural enterprises.
In order to increase the modernisation and efficiency of crop production, the company decided to expand and modernise its machinery park in 2021 and submitted an application for the VP2-4.1.8-21 call for proposals entitled Support for Precision Development related to the Digital Transition of Agriculture. The application was favourably assessed.
Machinery to be purchased under the project:
NEW Holland CX.8.90 SL combine harvester
NEW Holland DF875W Corn adapter
Monosem SCD SCD 8
1054 Budapest, Akadémia utca 6. 6. em. 17.
Phone: +36-1-430-3620
Fax: +36-1-430-3629