
Hotel Palota Lillafüred Kft.

The primary activity of Hotel Palota Lillafüred Kft. is the provision of hotel services, with the majority of the company’s revenue coming from catering and accommodation. In 2019, Forrás nyRt. acquired a stake in the Kft. through a capital increase, as a result of which it is included in the consolidation as an associate company. The company operates 2 hotels: Hotel Palota in Lillafüred and City Hotel Miskolc in Miskolc. 


The Lillafüred Hotel Palota is a 131-room hotel under monument protection, popular mainly with domestic guests, but also welcomes various groups of tourists on an international level. As a franchise partner, the hotel is a member of the Hunguest Hotel chain. As a result of the pandemic, the hotel was forced to close for months in 2020 and 2021, which had a negative impact on the hotel’s ability to generate income. In 2019, the last year before the pandemic, the hotel welcomed more than 25,000 guests.

In 2022, the company’s activities were expanded to include the operation of the City Hotel Miskolc. The 44-room city centre hotel specialises in catering for business guests. The management of Hotel Palota Lillafüred Kft. is constantly working to exploit synergies and coordinate business management practices.

Development projects

During the forced closure caused by the pandemic, the company embarked on major renovations. During the renovation of the western wing of the hotel, the entire mechanical and electrical renovation of the floors and rooms took place, including the installation of an air conditioning system, the renovation of the water and sewage network, the replacement of carpets and tiles, the installation of suspended ceilings, painting and wallpapering, IT development and the purchase of new furniture. The renovated rooms of the western wing are available to the guests from 01.07.2021. In addition, a section of the roof, the balconies and facades, and a guest elevator in the east wing were also renovated during the year.

Key financial indicators of the Company