
Miklósfai Mezőgazdasági Zrt.

Miklósfai Mezőgazdasági Zrt. was established in 2000 through the partial transformation of the Új Út Mezőgazdasági Termelőszötkezet cooperative. Forrás Nyrt. acquired a majority share in the company in 2014. The company’s main profile is livestock farming, crop production and the provision of agricultural services.


Crop production

In the year 2022, the company submitted a Single area payment application for 810 hectares. The company rents the land needed for farming from private individuals. Classic field crops such as winter wheat, winter barley, oilseed rape, sunflower and fodder corn are typically grown. In addition to the production of cash crops, the crop production sector also supplies the feed needs of animal husbandry.

The sowing structure and yields of the crop production sector developed as follows over the last two years:

Animal husbandry

The livestock sector within the company is represented by the Miklósfa dairy farm, which intensively keeps nearly 600 dairy Holstein Friesian cattle. The livestock farm’s annual production exceeds 6,000,000 litres of milk, which the company mainly sells domestically. The vast majority of the livestock’s annual feed requirement is produced within the company.

Agricultural services

The company has its own drying plant, as well as a warehouse base capable of accommodating 3,300 tons and an extensive machinery park in Miklósfa. This field of activity includes the company’s own mixing plant, which produces more than 2,300 tons of feed annually for the Miklósfa dairy-farm.

Development projects

Precision farming

In order to increase the modernisation and efficiency of crop production, the company decided to expand and modernise its machinery park in 2021 and submitted an application for the VP2-4.1.8-21 call for proposals entitled Support for Precision Development related to the Digital Transition of Agriculture. The application was favourably assessed.

Machinery purchased under the project:

  • NEW Holland T7.315HD AC traktor
  • NEW Holland CX.8.90 SL combine harvester

Modernisation of livestock farm

In 2020, due to the favourable development of the purchase price of milk, the company decided to modernise and expand its animal husbandry activities and applied for support under the VP2-4.1.1.-20 Livestock Farming Development Grant.

The application was favourably assessed. The tender includes the construction of 2 sheds of 320 m2 with a double-sided runway and solar panels on the roof structure, as well as a new silo space.

To serve the number of animals, the tender includes a RMH feed mixer-dispenser wagon, as well as a BAUER

POLY 141 material handling machine and BAUER Cerres S-Pro liquid fertiliser injector, which have already been purchased.

Construction of underground irrigation

In order to diversify its activities and to cultivate crops with higher added value, the company decided to install an irrigation system and applied for support under the tender VP2-4.1.4-16 Development of the Agricultural Water Management Sector.

As part of the development, a modern irrigation plant with micro-irrigation will be established on an area of 67.9 ha, with the establishment of two new irrigation wells and the renovation of an existing irrigation well. As part of the project, two in-ground pools with waterproof membrane insulation have already been built as part of the irrigation plant.

Planting of shell fruit

The Company submitted a tender for the planting of 19 hectares of irrigated chestnut plantations. During the planting, the French hybrid species Bouce de Betizac will be used, which is resistant to chestnut blight and other plant diseases. Once planted, the plantation takes 6-8 years to become productive

Key financial indicators of the Company