Company information about the Issuer Full name of the Issuer: | Registered seat: 1191 Budapest, Vak Bottyán utca 75/A-C. III. em. 21. Székhelye: 1054 Budapest, Akadémia utca 6. 6. em. 17. Company registration number: 01-10-043872 |
Short name of the Issuer: | FORRÁS nyRt. |
The Issuer is registered under the rules of Hungarian company law by: | Budapest Court of Justice as Court of Registration |
Company registration number of the Issuer: | Cg.01-10-043872 |
Tax number of the Issuer: | 12390676-2-43 |
Date of foundation | 1998.04.29. |
Contact details of the Issuer: | 1054 Budapest, Akadémia utca 6. 6. em. 17. Phone: +36-1-430-3620 Fax: +36-1-430-3629 Web: |
Investor relations contact: | Dr. Emese Hidasi E-mail: Phone: +36-1-430-3620 Fax: +36-1-430-3629 |
Auditor: | BDO Magyarország Kft. (auditor in charge: Ferenc Baumgartner) |
Principal activity: | 64.20 Activities of holding companies
1054 Budapest, Akadémia utca 6. 6. em. 17.
Phone: +36-1-430-3620
Fax: +36-1-430-3629